10 Video Game Moments Everyone Was Waiting For (That Didn't Happen)

5. The Grand Return Of Star Fox For A New Generation

star fox zero

Of all the legendary Nintendo mascots, Star Fox is like that lone gunman in the corner of a saloon - just imminently cool, with an air of "let's get this done" mystery that translates into, well, the fact his games revolve around paying to tribute to Star Wars. There are X-Wing-like Arwings and entire rebel squadrons going up against imposing imperial forces, but despite Star Fox's jaw-dropping 3D graphics back in 1992 and Star Fox 64 maintaining momentum, the franchise fell off a cliff with Star Fox Adventures.

This began a decade of silence, with fans' hopes perking up at every Nintendo Direct - until we finally got word that a "proper Star Fox" was coming in Star Fox Zero for Wii U.

Fan communities rejoiced, we saw screenshots, a couple of trailers and all-round, hope was restored.

Cut to launch, and the thing that couldn't be communicated in images was a godawful control scheme that mapped aiming to the Wii U gamepad - a shockingly, cripplingly bad move that made playing this inferior to its 20 year-older sibling.

Even the eventual release of 1996's Star Fox 2 last year was infinitely better.

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