10 Video Game Moments You Couldn't Win

No matter how badly we want to, we're never going to save John Marston.

elder brain baldurs gate
Larian Studios

While it would be a cruel joke if a video game were completely unbeatable, there are nevertheless some moments that players are always going to lose.

Especially in recent years as games have adopted larger branching narratives that take into account various factors, players may be tempted retry moments they've failed in hopes of getting a different result. Regardless of what strategies they deploy, the outcome will always be disappointment.

Failure in games is never fun, especially when its unavoidable. However, developers normally have a specific reason for including deliberate defeats in their games.

Whether it's to show players how weak their character is at a certain point or to make for some dramatic story beats, making players lose can result in some genuinely extraordinary moments that will stick with players for a long time after they eventually beat the game for real.

10. Getting Kidnapped - Far Cry 5 (2018)

elder brain baldurs gate

Although some may consider them to be unfair, the purpose of an unwinnable moment in a game is to add dramatic impact. Whether its to reinforce an enemy's strength or the character's failure being crucial to the plot, developers have a good reason for including them.

One game which took unwinnable moments to a whole new level of annoyance, though, was Far Cry 5.

After becoming stranded in Hope County when an arrest on fanatical cult leader goes wrong, the hero joins forces with the locals to fight back against the cult's forces. For the most part, it's the standard Far Cry formula of reclaiming outposts to regain control from the cult.

As the hero gains ground in the fight, they'll attract the attention of the cult's leaders, and this is where things get irksome.

In retaliation, the leaders send heavily armed enemies to attack players during exploration. Not only are these fights unavoidable, but they're also unwinnable, with the hero being knocked-out with a drugged arrow during combat before being taken to a key story mission.

Being forced into unwinnable combat is annoying enough, but this happens nine times throughout this game. It's better not to even try and fight back against these enemies.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.