10 Video Game Moments You Played Again (Because You Were TOO EVIL)

Times when you went too far.

TYOA Rewind

Greetings, fellow villains, psychos, and ne'er-do-wells! Are you fed up of pretending to be kind and friendly all day? I am, it's exhausting! But don't go around committing evil deeds just yet, we have to keep up pretences... can't have anyone suspecting that we're not upstanding members of society, can we?

But no matter! I have a solution: we can just do all the nefarious nonsense we love to do in video games instead! Kill that NPC! Betray that sidekick! Destroy that city and charge them for the privilege! Just don't let your moral compass ruin your fun by giving you that nagging sense that maybe you shouldn't have done that.

Actually, now that I think about it, perhaps murdering every single person who ever tried to help me was a tad excessive... oh no... I regret everything! Okay, don't panic: while I try to figure out how to reload my save in real life, you take a look at these villainous video game choices that made you feel so guilty you just had to go back and pick the good option.

10. Mass Effect - Bullying Conrad Verner

TYOA Rewind

Any self-respecting celebrity knows that it's important to be friendly to your fans. And any celebrity with no respect at all knows that it's much more fun to be an absolute arse to them instead. Commander Shephard may be famous, but they're also busy, they don't have time for autographs and selfies and all that nonsense!

So any time recurring fanboy Conrad Verner approaches you during the Mass Effect series, it's very tempting to choose the Renegade option and dash his dream of fighting alongside Shepard into tiny laughing pieces.

You can be a big old bully to Conrad, slaking your desire for petty misdeeds by telling him to get lost and shoving a gun in his face to intimidate him. By the time you see Conrad again in Mass Effect 2, he's gone where pretty much every obsessive fanboy goes eventually: completely off the rails. He's gallivanting around the galaxy impersonating an Alliance officer despite having no training whatsoever, and he thanks you for inspiring him to become "truly extreme". Oops.

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Patch is a pop culture enthusiast and purveyor of puns. He writes about media in a vague attempt to justify the alarming amount of time he spends consuming it. Nobody's convinced... but nobody's told him that yet. He spends his spare time working on Portal 2: Desolation, an ambitious fan-made sequel to Valve's beloved puzzle games.