10 Video Game NPCs Who Got The Worst Deaths

6. Marcelo Branco Gets "Necklaced" - Max Payne 3

max payne 3

The Max Payne games certainly have a reputation for offering up equal opportunities violence against all sides, though the most horrifying death in the entire series wasn't a flurry of gunfire but an Old Testament-style gangland execution.

Max starts the game working as a bodyguard for the well-off Branco family, forcing Max to put his Special Set of Skills to use trying to fend off various kidnapping and assassination attempts.

However he's sadly unable to save everyone, including the young playboy of the family, Marcelo, who ends up being "necklaced" by the militia outfit Crachá Preto.

Necklacing, in case you're unaware, is the act of forcing a number of petrol-soaked rubber tires to fit around a person's body and limbs, after which it's set on fire, causing the victim to helplessly burn to death.

Though in reality necklacing can cause the victim to survive for up to 20 minutes before dying, at least in Marcelo's case he appears to burn to death within a very hot minute.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.