10 Video Game Offers You MUST Refuse

8. Join Owl - Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (2019)

video game choice

Another FromSoftware game that locks its many endings behind a make-or-break mid-game decision, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice sees Wolf come face to face with his thought-to-be-dead father, The Owl, at the top of Ashina Castle.

Here, he's given an ultimatum: abandon his master, Lord Kuro, and follow the Iron Code at Owl's side, or stay loyal to Kuro and make an enemy out of his dear old dad. Even if you haven't been paying attention to the story up till this point, it's obvious there's a right and wrong answer here.

By siding with Owl and accepting his offer, you'll invite the wrath of those you called your friends. If you then defeat Emma and Isshin Ashina, Wolf will become a Shura, a being of insatiable bloodlust with no recollection of who or what they were...and the game will end.

But you're not really that heartless, are you? Turning Owl down opens up the rest of the game (after a tough boss fight, of course), and gives you hours more gameplay before you get to decide on which of the other three endings to pursue.

Clearly, parents don't know best.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.