10 Video Game Origins You Never Knew

7. Kirby Was Named After Nintendo's Copyright Lawyer

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Nintendo & Netflix

Tough though it might be to believe, Nintendo's beloved, pink pudge-ball Kirby is actually based somewhat on an actual human being - albeit rather liberally.

Kirby was in fact created to honour lawyer John Kirby, who defended Nintendo in 1984 when they were sued by Universal, who claimed that Donkey Kong infringed on their film King Kong.

Kirby's careful examination of prior legal precedent allowed him to win the case for Nintendo, leading the company to feel that he had "saved" the company at a critical juncture, for which he was rewarded with a $30,000 sailboat dubbed the "Donkey Kong."

But the best was saved for last, as Shigeru Miyamoto later named the character of Kirby in his honour, serving as an enduring, indelible tribute to the man's pivotal role in the company's history.

John Kirby passed away last October at the age of 79, a loss which was widely mourned by the gaming community.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.