10 Video Game Patches That Actually Broke Games

9. Patch 1.05 Drastically "Rebalanced" Multiplayer - Uncharted 2

Red Dead Online
Naughty Dog

Naughty Dog may be modern engineering wizards, but they made a major mistake back in early 2010 when they released the infamous 1.05 patch for Uncharted 2.

While the patch left the glorious single-player campaign in tact, it offered a sweeping swath of changes to the surprisingly enthralling online multiplayer component.

In an attempt to "rebalance" the game and level the playing field, the range of damage across weapons was significantly lessened, in turn stripping most of the personality out of them as well as the incentive to experiment with new loadouts.

Far more egregious, though, was the decision to lower the time-to-kill (TTK), such that players now died much faster.

For starters, this didn't vibe with the game's map design at all - even the mere act of climbing a ladder was now massively risky given how quickly you could die.

Also, the reduced lifespan made Uncharted 2's multiplayer feel far more like a twitchy Call of Duty wannabe than the distinct experience it was pre-patch.

Unsurprisingly the community quickly upped and abandoned the game, and despite Naughty Dog insisting they'd heard the vocal feedback loud and clear, never bothered to roll back the balancing changes, even with a mass exodus of players.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.