10 Video Game Plot Twists That Were OBVIOUS (If You Really Looked)

9. Nicole Is Dead - Dead Space

Red Dead Redemption 2

Nicole Brennan is one of the major driving forces behind Dead Space's storyline. She's Isaac's girlfriend, who helps him navigate through the Necromorph-infested Ishimura. She also serves as his motivation for delving deeper into the spaceship instead of hightailing it out of there like any sane person would.

The big plot twist here is that despite your frequent interactions with Nicole throughout the story, the woman has actually been dead the entire time, long before Isaac even arrived on Ishimura. The revelation is shocking the first time you play, although if you were paying attention to what's going on in the background, it's literally spelled out for you.

Combining the first letters of each chapter title in the game forms the sentence: "Nicole is dead." It's a pretty straightforward message for the player, but since most people don't spend their time looking for hidden messages in the naming conventions of chapters, only a few keen eyes can realistically catch it before the actual reveal.

To some, this method of foreshadowing is a clever metaphor for Isaac shortly regaining his clarity in between his hallucinations of Nicole. Others see it as a way for a bored story writer to have some fun naming chapters.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.