10 Video Game Puzzles You Couldn't Solve (Even With A Guide)

7. The Final Boss's Only Weakness - Wizardy IV

the witness
Sir Tech Software

Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna concludes with our hero duelling with a seemingly invincible foe called Lord Hawkwind. No matter what you hit this guy with, he just shrugs it off.

However, there's an elusive clue on how to defeat him. If you draw out each level from a top-view perspective (which no rational person would ever think of), you'll notice the walls of four rooms are shaped in the letters "D I N K". This "hint" is telling you to bring a Dink with you to the final confrontation, and hurl it at Hawkwind to defeat him.

First off, how could anyone figure this out? Did you ever get lost playing Mario and think, "Maybe if I draw out the level in top-view perspective, I'll know where to go." Because nobody in the history of mankind figured this puzzle out, everyone who got stuck on this section either gave up or looked at a walkthrough.

Unfortunately, knowing the solution won't help as much as you'd think because the Dink only has a 20% of working! If that happens, you'll be forced to watch the game's bad ending, through no fault of your own.

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The Witness
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