10 Video Game Remakes That Butchered The Original

4. The Silent Hill Collection

Grand Theft Auto Definitive Edition
Hijinx Studios

As the name suggests, Silent Hill HD Collection was a high-definition remaster of the original games. Rather than being a straightforward revamp, the compendium included new sounds, newly recorded voices, and an Achievement system. It was a big deal for Xbox owners, since the HD Collection marked the first time Silent Hill was available on a Microsoft system.

However, it wasn't long before consumers voiced their disproval. Firstly, the title was deeply misleading, since it only contained two instalments - Silent Hill 2 and 3. (What sort of collection doesn't include the one that started it all?)

Even though fog was instrumental in maintaining the nerve-shredding tension of the old games, it was erased from the HD Collection. Not only did this decision dilute the atmosphere, it made the poorly rendered graphics more noticeable.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Since Konami didn't preserve the source code of Silent Hill 2 and 3, the developers had to work with incomplete data, which led to game-crashing bugs.

The lock-ups, glitches, and frame-rate problems were so prevalent on the Xbox 360 port, Konami was pressurised to refund disgruntled customers.

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