10 Video Game Remakes With ONE Major Flaw

5. TERRIBLE Melee Combat - Mafia: Definitive Edition

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Cloud
Hangar 13

The recently released Mafia: Definitive Edition is exactly what it says on the tin - a contemporary update of the cult classic open-world mob action game, which with its hugely overhauled visuals, new cinematic cutscenes, and fantastic voice acting is the version of Mafia to play.

It also gave the original game's notorious difficulty a much-needed nerf, especially in its infamously tricky race-car mission Fairplay, which can now be beaten in a single go with relative ease.

The one area where Mafia's remake truly falls down, then, is its horrendously old-hat melee combat, which more than any other aspect of the game still feels stuck in 2002.

Though there thankfully aren't too many moments in the game which require players to get into fisticuffs, the moments that do are clunky dice rolls as you attempt to button-spam punches while avoiding your assailant's hits.

Success feels pretty random for the most part, generating temporary frustration in a remake which otherwise elevates the original game in almost every way.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.