10 Video Game Rewards You Only Get ONE Chance To Grab

8. The Zodiac Spear - Final Fantasy XII

Hey you! Yeah you. The one struggling to defeat Dire Rats in Final Fantasy XII. Put down that stick and come over here because I'll tell you of a weapon that will embarrass all others, a tool that will make bosses cower with it's 150 attack power, a spear so mighty that it will poke through armour like it was made of wet bread.

I'm speaking of course about the Zodiac Spear.

Sounds great, right? Well, there's just one catch... well many catches if I'm honest, as in order to get this in the original version of FFXII you are going to need to jump through a lot of hoops and fight your most basic of adventuring instincts. You see, originally, the spear could only be collected by NOT opening a quite sizable list of treasure chests throughout the game and would only appear if you DON'T have certain items equipped in the room it spawns in.

Therefore many players didn't even know they'd missed the spear let alone of its existence. Such was the outcry from fans about the requirements that Square Enix completely re-hauled them in the Zodiac re-release, making it much easier to get... but also added in TWO even rarer items. Will they ever learn?

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