10 Video Game Secrets That Unlock FULL Video Games

7. The Warriors - Armies Of The Night

doom eternal

The Warriors film, wasn't exactly breaking records on release, but it has always garnered a cult following. That Rockstar paid tribute to it with their 2005 title, which follows both the events in the film and events prior that establish the Coney Island gang, was only going to be a good thing.

A well padded out 3D brawler with loads of content, it would be fair to say it didn't smash records like say, a Grand Theft Auto or Red Dead would do. But it was fun, with a massive wealth of missions and tasks to do.

If you did persevere through the trials and tribulations the Warriors faced and finished the game, you'd be treated to an arcade cabinet in your hideout.

What was on this cabinet, you might wonder?

Well, another Warriors game!

Armies of the Night, the unlockable game, takes us back a generation and offers a Double Dragon clone, right down to the intro. Completing this unlocks more characters for the main game's Rumble mode, so there's even incentive to play it.

Also, if you haven't seen the film, go and do that!

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Doom Eternal
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.