10 Video Game Secrets YOU DIDN'T WANT TO KNOW

1. Lisa Is ALWAYS Following You - P.T.

Fall guys

P.T. was perhaps the scariest video game of the prior generation, and one of the most immaculately crafted horror games of all time.

Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro's teaser for their planned Silent Hills game was a stylistic and atmospheric masterwork, as the player investigated a haunted house while being harassed by a spirit known only as Lisa.

What makes the game work so well is that constant, heightened state of anxiety where it always feels like Lisa is just around the corner, and that's because she literally is - right behind you, even.

Last year, player Lance McDonald tapped into the game's camera system and discovered that, once the player obtains the flashlight early on, Lisa attaches herself to their back for the rest of the experience.

This allows Lisa to create shadows and play lighting tricks on the wall, and McDonald further demonstrated that by manually locking the game camera in place but walking forward, players were able to basically control Lisa as she shambled creepily around the house.

P.T. isn't a game that needs to be any more bone-chilling than it already is, and yet the knowledge that Lisa is right there with you the entire time takes it to a near-unbearable level of terror.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.