10 Video Game Secrets YOU DIDN'T WANT TO KNOW

8. Trains Are "Worn" By NPCs - Fallout 3

Fall guys

In only slightly less alarming fashion, we have Fallout 3's trains - specifically, the presidential metro in the game's "Broken Steel" DLC - which a player discovered in 2015 are actually "hats" worn by NPCs residing below the game world.

Basically, Bethesda decided to cut some corners by just stapling the trains onto NPCs' pre-existing movement routines, and PC Gamer did their own investigation only to discover that the trains are actually attached to NPCs' arms.

For all intents and purposes the trains still look like a hat, though, as anyone who uses GECK editor to view the abomination in all its glory will see it defying physics by clinging to the top of a poor man's head.

As much as Bethesda's games have a reputation of being held together by popsicle sticks and duct tape, this is just ridiculous - and very, very weird.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.