10 Video Game Secrets YOU DIDN'T WANT TO KNOW

4. It's (Possibly) A Cult Recruitment Tool - Kanye Quest 3030

Fall guys

Because an unlicensed Kanye West RPG where you have to defeat a clone of Lil B apparently isn't weird enough, Kanye Quest 3030 harbours a secret area which is either a well-executed prank or reveals the game's true, sinister intent.

In 2015, two years after its original release, an anonymous Pastebin post revealed that users who type "Ascend" when a Task Force Member asks them what they want to do will be transported to a hidden area.

This area reveals that the Kanye RPG was actually a front for the "real" game, which players are able to progress through by inputting passwords into various computer terminals.

Eventually you're transported to a new area where you're informed of an opportunity for further "ascension" if you enter your name and address, which many have interpreted as the game being a recruitment tool for the mysterious Ascensionism cult.

Others believe the secret is simply an elaborate jape or perhaps even an abandoned, incomplete alternate reality game, given that the name and address fields don't actually appear to send your information anywhere.

Either way, a Kanye West-starring sci-fi RPG just had to devolve into a potential cult conspiracy, right?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.