10 Video Game Sequels That DRASTICALLY Missed The Point

6. Tekken 6

kingdom hearts 3

For all of Street Fighter V's sins, at least it kept the focus on the one-on-one brawling that made the series famous. Tekken 6, on the other hand, decided to turn Namco's legendary fighter into an abysmal Streets of Rage rip-off.

Ok, that's not strictly true. There was a more traditional arcade mode, but it was clear that the majority of Namco's focus had been spent on Tekken 6's Scenario Campaign - a horrendously dull action game that saw Tekken's iconic characters wade through a badly designed, ill-thought-out experience that unsuccessfully attempted to transplant Tekken's one-on-one combat system into a side-scrolling beat-em-up.

The frustrating thing is, Namco knew this was a bad idea. They'd already tried and failed with the idea in Tekken 5's Devil Within - an action-adventure so diabolical that its three-hour campaign induced more despair than the entire Last of Us saga.

Tekken had never worked as anything other than a one-on-one fighting game, and Namco's insistence on doubling down on the series' biggest misstep ensured Tekken 6 would forever be remembered as the franchise's low point.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.