10 Video Game Sequels That DRASTICALLY Missed The Point

3. Dead Space 3

kingdom hearts 3

Spurred on by the success of the recent Dead Space remake, EA has been openly discussing the possibility of remaking the other two entries in the trilogy. It's a tricky proposition, as while Dead Space 2 was arguably the best game in the series, Dead Space 3 was a franchise-killing disaster.

Strong words, but justifiable ones.

As well as introducing microtransactions to the series ("Scared? Now you can pay the horror away!"), the introduction of co-op and focus on balls-to-the-wall action meant that the series lost all semblance of its identity as a survival horror game.

Dead Space 2 walked the line between action and horror with aplomb, but EA's desperation to reach a more casual audience stripped the series of its identity, and ensured that Dead Space 3 ended the series in the most disappointing way possible - a bland mixture of zombie-shooting tedium whose sole memorable moment was the utter stupidity of its ending.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.