10 Video Game Sequels That Fixed Specific Fan Complaints

7. Animal Crossing: New Horizons: The Player Can Build Paths!

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When it comes to the Animal Crossing franchise, the most seemingly insignificant things can be huge deals to fans. Would any non-fan understand how exciting it is that villagers can now wear a greater variety of clothing? Of course not. Nevertheless, those in the know appreciate these sorts of additions for the gamechangers they are.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons wasn’t the most innovative and ambitious of sequels, but there’s no denying that it made significant changes to the formula while remaining faithful to the core of this quirky life sim.

As players know, life begins on a deserted island this time around, which is initially weed-ridden but can become as busy an urban haven as any Animal Crossing town before it if the player wishes. In this way, the team attempted to appease everybody.

Speaking of which, a long-held fan wish finally came true with New Horizons: the ability to craft paths! The player was seen doing this in one of the game’s trailers, in a prominent segment that proved the developers knew how much this would mean to old hands. No longer were players forced to lay down custom tiles that resembled paths.

Elsewhere, mechanics like the ability to place furniture outside also addressed fan complaints from earlier iterations of the series.

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