10 Video Game Sequels That Pointlessly Took Away Things Fans Loved

8. Exploration - Dragon Age II

Dead Space 3

Dragon Age II could make a decent claim at being the best game on this list. Its characterisation is as excellent as usual, its narrative is arguably the strongest of the trilogy and if Hawke is played to be likeable, they easily have the biggest personality of the all the protagonists.

Despite this, there is one criticism that continues to hound Dragon Age II whenever the trilogy is discussed: The map. After Origins took you to various kingdoms and gave you a (relatively) huge open world to explore, II forces you to spend the majority of your time in the city of Kirkwall. It’s a city that vibrates with life, but it’s a single city nonetheless.

Dragon Age is an epic saga with a fantasy setting; players expect a massive map. On a first playthrough, many found themselves wondering when they’d be able to explore the rest of the region, only to realise they’d never get to.

The worst part though is the heavy use of caves. Dungeon crawling is to be expected, but several of the routes were either tweaked slightly or just completely recycled. It was strangely and unnecessarily lazy in a game that got almost everything else right.

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Dead Space 3
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)