10 Video Game Sequels That Resolved NOTHING

8. Life Is Strange 2

Life is Strange 2
Dontnod Entertainment

Dontnod's fantastic episodic adventure series Life Is Strange concluded its first season with the player being forced to make a devastating choice: either sacrifice the life of Max's friend Chloe in order to save Arcadia Bay from an impending storm, or let Arcadia Bay be destroyed to save Chloe.

Players made their decision, after which they lingered in limbo while waiting for the announced second season to give fans a definitive canon ending.

But of course, it was eventually confirmed that Life Is Strange 2 would be an entirely new story which ultimately featured just passing references to Max and Chloe's adventure - including an amusing cameo late in the season - while leaving Chloe's face up in the air.

As much as the lack of concrete resolution upset some fans, the logic from Dontnod was actually pretty sound: the game's co-writer Christian Divine said, "The whole game builds up to literally that moment. The point of the game is not to give that linear conclusion."

The lack of finality is undeniably bittersweet, but if Dontnod truly has no further desire to tell future stories featuring Max and Chloe, it's probably for the best not to commit either way.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.