10 Video Game Sequels That Utterly Ruined Their Franchises

8. Prototype 2

Occasionally you'll come across a game that's literally - even in 2015's overuse of the word - the same as the one before it. Save for a re-skinned character who's dialogue was more gruffly-mumbled than Bane after a night out, Prototype 2 saw what was an incredible premise in the first game's explosive escapist nature - only to do absolutely nothing with it. For a time there was something of a fan-debate between Prototype and Infamous, being both of them opted to tell superheroic tales of soles plucked from obscurity to save their respective cities. However where Infamous at least attempted to make you care about your actions as good or bad, Prototype embraced the psychosocial tendencies many have had when playing something like GTA - which is to say if you wanted to grab a pedestrian and launch them 80mph straight into a wall, you could do. Or if you wanted to use your gigantic tendril-spewing Venom-like powers to topple cars and rip everyone apart in the process, that was fair game too. All was well. Fans completely got on board with Radical Entertainment's design ethos, which made it all the more crippling when they didn't iron out the frame-rate creases, add any new moves and instead removed a few for the sequel, essentially killing this title's potential as a mainstream video game superhero before it even got started.
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