10 Video Game Sequels The World Didn't Need

10. DMC - Devil May Cry

When DMC, the much contested reboot of the popular hack-and-slash franchise Devil May Cry, was initially announced, I wasn't one of those fanboys who got caught up on the recasting of series protagonist Dante. Instead, it was the very idea of having a new version of an iconic game at all, that made my blood boil. Although Devil May Cry 4 was a decent entry into the series, the franchise as a whole has always been more inconsistent than its legacy would have you believe. While the second game is considered to be one of the worst releases of all time and three regained its footing a little, neither quite lived up to the promise of the fabled original. So, while the idea of a clean start wasn't a terrible idea, it was simply too early to implement it. There were still too many fans around to be bitter about a new direction, while other players weren't given the time away from the franchise to separate this game from the others. As a result, DMC sold poorly, and we probably won't be seeing any version of Dante for quite some time.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3