10 Video Game Side Missions That Let EVERYONE Down
7. Shameless Product Placement - Final Fantasy XV
When not driving around in their swanky car or slaying monsters, there's nothing more that the crew of Final Fantasy XV likes to do than stop off for some food.
Indeed, the food of Final Fantasy XV is so lovingly rendered in such painstaking detail, it makes you quite sad you can't eat it yourself when you look at it.
There is, however, one foodstuff in Final Fantasy XV we could have done without: Cup Noodles.
In what has to be one of the most bizarre product placement crossovers in history, Final Fantasy XV has a substantial side quest completely themed around the popular noodle snack.
Here's an actual quote Gladio says during the game when you're on this side quest.
"There's nothing else like 'em. They're easy to make whenever you've got a craving....and they're delicious to boot. I'll never forget my first time."
The cringe is strong with this one. The rest of the quest, which involves finding the perfect ingredients for your Cup Noodle, is just so, so awful and out of place.
As an added bonus for all lovers of Cup Noodles and Final Fantasy, Square Enix also added a spiffy, Cup Noodle-themed hat for Noctis as free DLC after the game's release.
Oh, how you spoil us.