10 Video Game Side Missions That Made You Feel Guilty

5. Javik's Memory Shard - Mass Effect 3

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Mass Effect has a lot of optional conversations with your crewmates. Most of the time, they are somewhat self-contained and will simply reflect on your relationship with the person in question.

However, one of the conversations you can have with Javik can make you feel really bad for starting it in the first place.

During Priority: Earth, the player can speak with Javik, who will tell them about the Echo Shard, an ancient artefact in his possession that contains the memories of millions of Protheans. Shepard can ask Javik why he doesn't want to use the Shard to remember the people he has lost, to which Javik will respond by saying that forgetting their faces helped him deal with the trauma and pain.

Still, the player can choose to encourage Javik to touch the Shard and re-live all of his species' most painful memories. Doing so will make Javik overcome with grief, and when the war with the Reapers is won, Javik will say that he wants to end his life to join his people.

The worst part is that if you just drop the subject altogether, Javik can instead stay happy and even co-writes a book about his species with Liara.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.