10 Video Game Skins You Won't Believe You Can Unlock

2. A REAL Pair Of Boxer Shorts (ClayFighter 63⅓)

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I know I bent my rule slightly earlier on in the list with the fudge faced Max Payne entry, but I'm going to do it again and invert the rule. This next entry details an item of clothing that was unlocked by playing a game - but in real life!

Attending gaming conventions and getting a hat or a T-shirt is pretty commonplace in this day and age, but when was the last time you were offered a pair of boxer shorts for competing in an event? That's exactly the promotion that was run for Clayfighter 63 1/3, an N64 fighting game that combined claymation and violence in a way that defied logic, or quality.

And look at these undercrackers! These should be in an art museum, featuring a pristine white cotton base with elasticated waist and tonnes of the roster plastered all over. The game might have been an absolute atrocity, but these rare beauties? Put it this way, I eBay'd to see if there were any still available. That's how good I think they are.

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