10 Video Game Solutions You'd NEVER Get Without A Guide

7. Egyptian Temple - GoldenEye 007

Castlevania 2

The Egyptian Temple level in GoldenEye 007 can only be unlocked by completing every mission on 00 Agent mode. Your mission is to locate the Golden Gun and use it to defeat the witchdoctor, Baron Samedi. The voodoo priest's health is so high, he's virtually unkillable unless you shoot him with the Golden Gun.

Now, finding the weapon is a piece of cake. Obtaining it, on the other hand, is an entirely different matter. The second you take one step towards the pistol, it will become inaccessible while four indestructible turrets activate, blasting you to smithereens.

The only way to get the Golden Gun is to walk on the floor tiles in a specific order. Now, you have two choices; try dozens upon dozens of tile-patterns, knowing it will result in you dying more times than you can count, or use a walkthrough and beat the level in five minutes.

It's possible to solve the tile-pattern through sheer trial-and-error over a period of several hours but you'll struggle to find a single person who did it without the assistance of a walkthrough.


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