10 Video Game Speed-Run Achievements Only Hardcore Players Will Unlock

7. Homerunner - Gone Home

Halo 2
The Fullbright Company/Majesco Entertainment/Annapurna Interactive

The Achievement: "Complete the game in less than 1 minute with no Modifiers enabled."

While it's fair to say that a successful run of Gone Home's "Homerunner" achievement will take literally less than a minute of your life, pulling it off is much easier said than done.

This achievement requires players to reach the end of the game in under 60 seconds, completing only those tasks which are absolutely necessary for triggering the mystery-exploration game's end sequence.

The timings for beating the game are so razor-thin that players have resorted to a number of techniques to shave precious seconds off, such as turning the brightness and field-of-view up to max to ensure maximum visual clarity, and also using the right stick to turn rather than strafing with the left.

Even so, getting everything pitch perfect is way tougher than it looks. And to make matters worse, a glitch means that the achievement may fail to pop even for those who actually complete the speedrun.

Yet for players who simply find the margins of error too unforgiving, there is the more charitable "Speedreader" achievement, where players must beat the game within 10 minutes while collecting all 24 of the in-game journal entries.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.