10 Video Game Spin-Offs Nobody Asked For (That Were AWESOME)

7. Dead Space Extraction

metal gear rising revengeance

There were plenty of comparisons to be made between the original Dead Space and Resident Evil 4 which, years prior, had revitalised the third-person action genre and taken video game horror in a new direction. Dead Space calmed down on RE4’s absurdity and set itself aboard the quiet, cramped and chilling corridors of the space station Ishimura and was a hit in its own right.

As a genuinely unnerving and gory horror game, it’s not surprising that Dead Space never came to the Wii. However, that’s not to say that the franchise never ventured there.

In 2011, Dead Space took another leaf out of the Resident Evil playbook by taking its horror on rails with an arcade-style shooter for the Nintendo home console by the name of Dead Space: Extraction. Acting as a prequel, it showed an earlier look at the ship’s downfall with some truly remarkable visuals for the time as well as plenty of replay value.

Whilst sales numbers were pretty low, the actual quality of the game should’ve been enough to bring Dead Space fans to the console. It’s not a cheap throwaway title for the sake of putting the series name on every platform.

Extraction is well worth your time and a space in your Wii collection, a dark horse amongst the usual bright and colourful affairs on Nintendo systems.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.