10 Video Game Stories That Clearly Ended (And Then Got A Sequel)

9. Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X Ending
Square Enix

Though the mainline Final Fantasy games tend to be almost entirely standalone, Square Enix has released spin-off sequels to some of the more recent numbered entries into the series, starting with Final Fantasy X.

FFX actually ended pretty tidily, with Yu Yevon defeated and Sin seemingly gone forever, while Tidus heartbreakingly disappeared and Yuna resolved to help rebuild the liberated Spira. It was a classic bittersweet happy ending...until the release of the wildly unnecessary Final Fantasy X-2 two years later.

In the absence of Yevon, numerous new organisations have risen up, resulting in major tensions between the Youth League and New Yevon in particular, while Yuna spends most of the game fixating on finding a way to bring Tidus back.

It was a classic case of undoing a dramatically water-tight ending in the pursuit of more money, and though FFX-2 is rather enjoyable as a silly adjunct to the main franchise, it's also completely excessive as a piece of storytelling.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.