10 Video Game Trophy Stats You Won't Believe

1. Almost 40% Of Players Never Killed Somebody Else In Hunt: Showdown

Fallout 4 stat

Trophies and achievements can give developers extremely useful, fascinating, and perhaps perplexing data about how players are experiencing their games, and that's certainly true in the case of Hunt: Showdown.

The game is a PvPvE first-person shooter where players are tasked with taking down other players, and as such one of the game's most basic trophies, "Debut," is awarded for killing your first enemy Hunter - that is, another human player.

But almost four years since the game's PS4 release, only 62.7% of players have popped the Debut trophy. That leaves 37.3% who've not killed a single human player during a game where that's the operating objective.

This was even recently commented upon by the game's general manager, David Fifield, who noted the difficulty of creating a competitive experience that is also inclusive for newcomers.

Reading between the lines, it seems clear that many new players quickly took their leave of Hunt: Showdown after getting mowed down by fellow players a few rounds in a row.

Fifield insists they're continuing to work on the issue, and hopeful that the percentage of players without a single kill to their name will drop in the near future. Here's hoping.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.