10 Video Game Twists We Never Saw Coming

6. Heavy Rain

video game twists
Quantic Dream

In a game about catching the ‘Origami Killer’, it’s kind of a given that the plot’s major reveal will be the identity of said ‘Origami Killer’. But like a finely crafted origami swan, Heavy Rain’s twist is a shocking one, even if it doesn’t even make much sense to the naked eye.

The revelation that private investigator Scott Shelby was actually the Origami Killer all along contradicts earlier scenes in the game, and ultimately renders Heavy Rain somewhat riddled with plot holes (not many serial killers are stupid enough to call the cops on themselves).

It’s some real Scooby Doo chicanery, but it does serve its overall purpose in creating a dramatic twist. Shelby had been posing as an investigator in order to gain access to his victims’ houses and possessions, so he could then erase all evidence of his involvement in the crimes.

After rooting for and empathising with Shelby up until that point, it comes as a real shock that Heavy Rain’s resident PI was indeed the very killer he had claimed to be catching, even it doesn’t hold up to much scrutiny once the final credits have rolled.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.