10 Video Game "Upgrades" You Immediately Regretted

1. Baldachin's Blessing - Elden Ring

Elden Ring Baldachin's Blessing
Bandai Namco Entertainment

Like many other FromSoftware soulslikes, Elden Rings likes to be pretty vague about what's going on and what the things you find do.

For the most part, it's not a big deal since you can figure out most of it as you explore the world, but there is one "upgrade" that could really use some heads-up warning you about it before you make the mistake of activating it.

Baldachin's Blessing is a buff you get from hugging Fia and "sharing some of your life's vigor" with her. This sounds like yet another esoteric Elden Ring babble at first, but once you check what the buff you received does, you realize you actually did share some vigor with Fia. One point of it, to be exact, or, to put it bluntly, a permanent five percent decrease in your health.

Yep, Fia's "blessing" makes you weaker and easier to kill! Well, it can also protect you from being staggered, but this needs to be activated, and it still won't matter when that 5% decrease costs you a tough boss fight.

Elden Ring is the only game that will call you maiden-less and then trick you into giving up your health for trying to comfort an ill woman.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.