10 Video Game "Upgrades" You Immediately Regretted

5. In shining Armor - Fallout: New Vegas

Elden Ring Baldachin's Blessing
Obsidian Entertainment

If Fallout 4 has a lot of character perks, Fallout: New Vegas has a metric ton of them!

From combat and survival skills to social perks and even upgrades that alter the entire map of the Mojave, New Vegas gives you full agency over how you build your character and offers all the necessary upgrades to make your dreams come true.

Except if you're looking to maximize the efficiency of your metal armor, and it's all due to one annoying bug.

"In Shining Armor" is a perk that increases your resistance to laser damage if you're wearing metal armor. The perk looks really useful if you're looking to clad your Courier in shiny steel, but once you purchase it, you quickly realize that it does... Well, nothing!

You see, due to a typo in the script, the resistance modifier of the perk doesn't apply to laser damage and instead boosts your defense to a non-existent type of attack.

The perk is a waste of a perfectly good trait slot. When you think about it, it's actually worse than useless, seeing as you have a limited amount of level-ups and the trait deprives you of one trait slot that could've been spent on something actually useful.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.