10 Video Game "Upgrades" You Immediately Regretted

3. Mounts - Total War: Warhammer III

Elden Ring Baldachin's Blessing

Total Wars: Warhammer III allows you to upgrade your generals and heroes to turn them into inspiring leaders or one-person armies.

To this extent, you may choose from dozens of different abilities, and one of them, a mount upgrade, is what most players usually pick as soon as they're able to, since they are generally a good upgrade. Mounts increase the speed, attack, and armor rating of your characters, plus they come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from simple horses to raptors, dragons, and even giant crabs.

This said, not every mount is worth it, and in fact, if you're building a hero that can solo fight enemy armies, you'll want to drop most mounts altogether.

You see, mounts, being large animals, increase the size of your character, making them really easy to surround and barrage with ranged attacks. The mounted hero tend to soak up damage like a sponge and die within minutes after charging into the enemy.

The bigger the mount, the greater the number of places it can be hit, so unless you give your mounted hero some smaller units to protect them from getting overwhelmed, it's best to keep them on foot.

They could probably use the exercise anyway!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.