10 Video Game Villain Plot Holes EVERYONE Missed

7. Dr. Robotnik Destroys The Moon - Sonic Adventure 2

resident evil 4 saddler
Sonic Team USA

In Sonic Adventure 2, Dr. Robotnik uses the Chaos Emeralds to activate his grandfather's space vessel, ARK. Sonic's arch-enemy then creates a global broadcast, announcing he'll unleash world-ending destruction if his demands aren't met.

To prove he's not bluffing, Robotnik uses the ARK's cannon to obliterate half the moon. The broadcast then displays a 24-hour countdown, highlighting how much time is left before the egg-shaped scientist destroys the world.

But technically, he already has... or at least, he should have. Considering Robotnik has an IQ of 300, he should know that decimating the moon would cause city-sized debris to smash into the planet, capable of ending life as we know it ten times over. Even if every moon fragment burned up in the atmosphere, decimating the moon would disrupt Earth's gravitational pull, causing seismic and tidal disasters worldwide.

Also, why don't the people of Earth care more that the moon just blew up? The citizens of Earth gaze at the celestial body's destruction with the same concern one would have if they missed a bus.

Also, the moon magically heals itself without explanation, since it's back to normal in every Sonic game since.


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