10 Video Game Villains Created Out Of Spite

7. Epicus Maximus - World Of Warcraft

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Driv3r

World of Warcraft's third expansion pack, Cataclysm, received negative feedback from players who felt that the massive water vortex known as the Maelstrom simply wasn't "epic" enough.

And so, for the final release Blizzard decided to throw a comically over-the-top Elite enemy into the mix, going by the name "Epicus Maximus."

Epicus was a giant flying shark armed with two massive rockets and a laser beam, with a terrifying devilsaur riding on its back, and a Forsaken riding on the devilsaur's back.

Epicus could be seen riding around the Maelstrom and also be fought in the Brawler's Guild, serving as a living, hilariously absurd embodiment of the phrase, "Are you happy now!?"

But the community quickly ended up embracing Epicus, with fans routinely begging Blizzard that he be included in new World of Warcraft updates.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.