10 Video Game Villains That Bend Time And Space Itself!
2. G-Man - Half-Life

Half-Life's G-Man is one of the most iconic video game baddies of all time, yet one whose allegiances and motivations still remain relatively mysterious to this day.
But from the original game onward, it's clear that G-Man is an extremely powerful entity with the ability to manipulate both time and space.
He's been shown materialising in front of Gordon and Alyx seemingly at will, slowing and outright freezing time as he wishes, and even transporting himself and others to strange pocket dimensions.
The potency of G-Man's powers were jaw-droppingly demonstrated in the recent Half-Life: Alyx, where he transported Alyx back to the point of her father Eli's death - as was depicted so agonisingly in Half-Life 2: Episode Two - and allowed her to prevent his demise.
Though we'll likely never know exactly how powerful G-Man is or quite where his allegiances fully lie, the shady, suited-up creeper clearly has all the toys in the box to do just about whatever he likes.