10 Video Game Villains Who Had The Right Idea (But Terrible Execution)

4. Superman - Injustice

Spec ops the line

Superman is the ultimate superhero, not necessarily because of his godlike powers (even though they certainly help), but rather because of his kind heart and unrelenting need to help everyone.

However, the Injustice series takes a darker spin on the caped protector of Metropolis, showing how one's good intentions can ultimately lead them down the path of evil.

In the games, Superman becomes so heartbroken after Joker kills his beloved Lois that he decides to break his no-kill rule and resolve the villain-heroes conflict once and for all.

He bands together with other like-minded heroes to kill all the villains and eventually turns into a fully fledged dictator trying to take over the world.

However, although his transformation is Batman's worst nightmare come true, Superman's goal is technically noble. He still wants to protect innocent people and make the world a better place. It's just that his methods have gotten more extreme.

And who could blame him? After all, everyone would snap if their home city was getting blown up by aliens and maniacs every week or two.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.