10 Video Game Villains Who Secretly Won

1. Edgar Ross - Red Dead Redemption

red dead redemption edgar ross

In Rockstar's epic western outing Red Dead Redemption, players take on the role of grizzled cowboy John Marston as he hunts down his former gang members in exchange for the safe return of his wife and son.

The one pulling the strings is Pinkerton agent Edgar Ross. He's the one who took John's family to use as leverage to get the former outlaw to do his bidding. He's also the one who guns down Marston in cold blood in one of gaming's most heartbreaking scenes.

Although John's son Jack eventually kills Ross years later in his own act of vengeance, Ross is nevertheless the real victor of the story.

Ross's goal - even in the prequel, Red Dead Redemption 2 - was to eradicate the outlaws of the old west to pave the way for the new century. Even before the events of Red Dead Redemption, Ross is within reach of his goal, with the Van der Linde gang being one of the last remaining remnants of the old days.

John's death isn't just the end of the Van der Linde gang, it marks the end of an era, and that's all thanks to Ross.

Though Jack gets his revenge, Ross's death isn't enough to stop the tide of "civilisation".

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.