10 Video Game Villains Who Stupidly Helped The Hero Win

8. Zinyak - Saints Row IV

star wars the force unleashed
Deep Silver

Zinyak is an underrated villain. He’s impressively suave, possesses a hilariously sharp wit, and is enough of a physical powerhouse to be a genuinely dominating presence on screen. But he does suffer from the old supervillain hubris, and boy does it bite him.

Swaggering into the Saints held Oval Office at the head of the Zin invasion, Zinyak offers the panicked earthlings ‘salvation’ for the best and brightest among them, an offer promptly taken up by the Saints’ own Kinzie Kensington.

And this is where it all goes wrong. Zinyak, faced by cowering humans on all sides, fails to ask himself exactly why the one human who isn’t would be so eager to sign up, a bit of stupidity doubly egregious because Zinyak had already captured Saints legend Johnny Gat, whom he called Earth’s most puissant (powerful) warrior, meaning he knew full well who he was dealing with.

Kinzie, who truly is among Earth’s best and brightest, quickly escapes imprisonment – on her own – and proceeds to free the Boss and the rest of the Saints. It is a mistake that ends with Zinyak’s head literally ripped from his shoulders and the Saints as the new rulers of his empire.

Yeah, way to go there, chief.

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