10 Video Game Villains You Can Secretly Join (And Be Better Off!)

Being bad has never felt this good!

Baldurs gate 3
Larian Studios

In most video games, you play as the hero who saves the day. Some of them might give you the option to do bad things, but in the end, you still have to fight the main villain and fulfill your destiny.

Now, there are rare cases of games that actually let you join the baddies, although the consequences of doing so are usually short-lived and result in a bad ending.

Fortunately, there are exceptions here, too.

If you ever thought that the villain you're pitted against talks more sense than your supposed allies, some video games actually allow you to join the forces of evil. Not only that, shaking hands with your nefarious new friends is objectively the better choice, as it gives you access to better skills and items, or it makes the game's storyline far more interesting.

The villains you can join are usually pretty charismatic and influential folk, too, which only adds to their appeal and makes you wonder why your character didn't collude with them from the start.

If the hero's life seems too boring or ungratifying to you, the following villains might offer a far more appealing alternative. After all, it's good to have friends in bad places.

10. The Crimson Fleet - Starfield

Baldurs gate 3
Bethesda Softworks

Starfield, like most Bethesda games, lets the player join a variety of factions. Among them is the Crimson Fleet, a gang of dangerous space pirates who terrorize the galaxy in search of profit and thrills. Both of which are for you to enjoy in great quantities if you decide to enrol in their ranks.

That's right. Although they're horrible, horrible people, the Crimson Fleet is a joinable faction, and they are easily the best one, too.

In terms of the narrative, their main mission is the most engaging experience, where you play as a double agent, infiltrating their ranks for the United Colonists, whom you can then betray to become a triple agent!

In terms of gameplay and rewards, the Fleet offers a much wider range of activities and money-earning jobs compared to other factions, ensuring you'll never get bored working for them. And yes, you have to rob and murder a lot of innocent people in the process, but if you don't care about it too much, the space raiders are definitely the best of the best!

Oh, and did I mention that joining the Fleet turns half of the game friendly to you, since most raider outposts belong to them?

Best. Faction. Ever.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.