10 Video Game Villains You Can Secretly Side With (And IMMEDIATELY Regret)

9. Liberty - Wasteland 3

the devil in me

In Wasteland 3, you play as the Arizona Rangers, who seek to make an alliance with Colorado's leader, the Patriarch, in order to help your people win a losing war back home.

Your team has little time, scarce resources, and hundreds of lives that depend on the success of their mission.

So naturally, instead of doing what you were sent to Colorado for, you should probably opt for helping a warmongering raider terrorize the local land.

Liberty, one of the Patriarch's rebelling children that he asks you to capture for him, is a raider queen who serves as a secret faction that your team of rangers can join.

To do so, you need to convince her to let you into her army raiders with an incredibly hard kiss-ass check upon meeting her, which will then jump you straight to the ending credits and the final cutscene.

Now, although Liberty's kiss-ass check is high, the ending you get this way isn't really worth it.

Your new boss's campaign is successful, but the cutscene shows that your decision leads to the defeat of the Rangers in Arizona and that your team in Colorado suffers great losses while fighting Liberty's wars.

Maybe next time, you should just stick to the plan...

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.