10 Video Game Villains You Can Secretly Side With (And IMMEDIATELY Regret)

6. Zlatko - Detroit: Become Human

the devil in me
Quantic Dream

The androids you control in Detroit: Become Human can all suffer some pretty terrible fates. However, the unequivocal number one spot in the "I wouldn't want to be in your shoes" category has to go to Kara in the secret Zlatko ending.

Zlatko is the eponymous villain of the seventeenth chapter of Kara's and Alice's storylines. He captures deviant androids by pretending to be a smuggler that can help them escape to Canada, and then conducts inhumane experiments on their bodies.

If you fall for Zlatko's ruse and let him wipe Kara's memories, the girl will become Zlatko's brainwashed servant. At that point, you can use clues inside your new owner's mansion to gradually regain your memories, but if you're curious to see what will happen if you stay compliant and side with Zlatko, you're in for rather disturbing imagery.

Ignoring the clues will lock Kara in a permanent servant mode and trigger a cutscene where she becomes a mindless puppet to be tortured and experimented on by her captor.

It's an instant game over that not only ends Kara's story but also leaves you with the mental scars after watching what sort of messed up things are happening in Zlatko's home.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.