10 Video Game Villains You Can Secretly Side With (And IMMEDIATELY Regret)

4. Kerghan - Arcanium: Of Steamworks And Magick Obscura

the devil in me

Arcanum is an old-school isometric RPG set in a steampunk fantasy world where magic and technology constantly clash with each other, changing the balance of the world's forces.

The main villain of the game is Kerghan, an old and powerful necromancer who seeks to eradicate all life in the world because, in his view, life is an unnatural state of existence that only brings pain and suffering to those who are "subjected" to it.

With this kind of (un)life philosophy, Kerghan is obviously an irredeemable villain. However, this doesn't mean you can't join him in his quest. It just means that you shouldn't expect it to end well.

When you confront Kerghan in the final act of the game, you can agree to join him in eradicating all life by choosing a specific sequence of dialogue options.

This decision will lead to, unsurprisingly, the destruction of all life in Arcanum's universe. And yes, unsurprisingly, that includes you and your team.

Huh, who would've thought joining forces with a genocidal necromancer would lead to the full genocide of your party?

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.