10 Video Game Villains You Completely Humiliated

4. Calypso - Twisted Metal: Head-On

god of war baldur

One of the most popular characters in the Twisted Metal series is, at once strangely and also at the same time totally fitting, is a serial killer clown called Needles Kane also affectionately referred to as Sweet Tooth.

Throughout the vehicular carnage of these titles one thing remains constant. Calypso. The creator of the Twisted Metal contest and all around !*$% who just LOVES to make people fight to the death in exchange for a single wish. A wish, it might be added, that he always twists in some form or another.

Needles clocks on to this however, and in Twisted Metal: Head On, he asks not for power or glory, but to switch bodies with Calypso which he is forced to grant. Once switched, Needles demands they kill this “intruder” and chuck his body away.

He then smiles and asks “Where’s my women”, capping off the horrible humiliation he’s just served one of the most powerful deities in the series.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.


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