10 Video Game Villains You Completely Humiliated

2. Dr Neo Cortex - Crash Twinsanity

god of war baldur
Vicarious Visions

Poor old Dr. Cortex, he’s definitely a case of a villain that made life tough for himself having created Crash Bandicoot, which proves to be his undoing countless times throughout his mainstay run in the series.

From being thrown out of his space station, to being left to freeze at the end of Wrath of Cortex, it seemed that Cortex was no stranger to humiliation - however that was NOTHING when compared to Crash Twinsanity.

In this game, Cortex has his brain removed, is stung by bees, used as a surfboard, used as a living hammer because of his flat head, and even at the end of all of this, beamed right inside his most hated creations brain. It’s like watching someone get tortured.

And the worst part about all this humiliation? It’s all quite funny. Sorry mate.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.


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