10 Video Game Villains You Didn't Want To Kill (But Had To)

9. Javier Escuella - Red Dead Redemption

Baldurs gate 3

Ever since Red Dead Redemption 2, playing the original game has become a brand new experience. The pre-sequel casts a completely different light on the events and characters of the first game, in particular one of John's two targets from his ex-gang in the Mexico section, Javier Escuella.

Although Javier may not have been an overly sympathetic character originally, his relationship with John in the second game has retroactively made your objective of taking him down in the first especially hurtful.

His charming personality and loyalty he exhibits when talking with Arthur make him a likable character, and when he eventually saves John from dying in the mountains, his deep friendship with the man seems like a bond that can never be broken.

Unfortunately, by the time of Red Dead Redemption 1, Javier is a shell of his former self, and to make matters worse, John needs to take him out, even though he owes him his life, in order to see his family.

And yes, while you can technically capture Javier alive, the in-game dialogue makes it clear that the bandit is going to be hanged, so no matter what you do, Javier eventually gets killed by the very same man he saved.

Now that's depressing.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.