10 Video Game Villains You Didn't Want To Kill (But Had To)

7. The Beat - Furi

Baldurs gate 3
The Game Bakers

The story of Furi, the 2016 hack-and-slash, is a subversive experience in which you start off thinking you are the victim, the tortured prisoner of abusive jailers, and end up realizing you're a world-ending threat that was kept in lock-up for a reason.

As you progress through the game, the jailers you fight appear less aggressive and more sympathetic, to the point when the final jailer, the Beat, makes you feel genuinely guilty for killing her.

Unlike the other bosses in the game, the Beat isn't really a threat to you. She is a young and inexperienced fighter who decided to swear her life to watching over you just to be able to protect her planet.

Throughout your fight with the Beat, the girl keeps pleading with you to stop and leave her world be, but the only thing you can do is callously break down her defenses and make your way to her to deliver the final blow.

There is no way out of the fight once you enter it, but on the bright side, the Beat's showcase of humanity is why a lot of players decide to save the world in the end instead of invading it like their character originally intended.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.