10 Video Game Weapons That Went Too Far

7. The Bane - Borderlands 2

The Borderlands series is all about guns - finding them, picking and choosing your favourites, and firing them endlessly in the twisted worlds Gearbox created.

Among the many unique weapons you can find is Bane, a submachine gun with incredible stats that carries, well, a curse.

Bane boasts a ridiculous damage output and will always spawn with elemental damage as well. However, equipping the weapon slows your speed to a crawl, making it almost completely impractical for most combat use, unless you're fighting enemies as slow as you or are content to sit in cover and wail away.

And speaking of wail...

Bane is sentient. As such, the gun constantly screams at the player in a high-pitched voice when it is swapped out or when you reload or fire. Even if you turn the in-game volume down to 0, Bane still screams in your face. The game even sub-titles the noise as 'annoying sound.'

The game makes you think here. Is this weapon, which is incredibly effective at dealing damage, worth the soon-to-be-maddening noise? Are Gearbox just sadistic bastards? Did we hurt someone who works there in a previous life?

Check out the clip and judge for yourself what you'd do.

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Child of the Canadian '80s. Fan of Star Wars, Marvel (films), DC (animated films), WWE, classic cartoons. Enjoys debating with his two teenage sons about whether hand-drawn or computer animation is better but will watch it all anyways. Making ongoing efforts to catalogue and understand all WhatCulture football references.